Sol's Posts on the National Gun Forum

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Post # User Date/Time Contents of Post In Response to... Liked by Sol?
1 dissolvedgirl Mar 29, 2019 [4:31pm] “hello everybody
Florida resident here. I am planning a trip to Colorado in the next month or so and wanna buy a shotgun while I'm there and I was wondering what restrictions apply for me? I've found a few private sellers I might want to purchase from; is it legal for me as a Florida resident to purchase a shotgun in Colorado? I'm 18 years old too, if it's important.
thank you for reading, i appreciate any response!”
First post, NA. NA
2 CoalCracker Mar 29, 2019 [5:06pm] "If you do not have a valid Colorado driver’s license, you can buy a long gun (rifle or shotgun), and take it with you. For handgun purchases, you could buy it but you would have to have the dealer transfer it to a dealer with a Federal Firearms License (FFL), in your home state and you could pick it up there. If you live in one of the neighboring states this is a fairly common occurrence and a simple procedure." NA Liked by Sol
3 Fitasc Shooter March 29, 2019 [10:57pm] "It is legal from a legal FFL, but not from a private party." NA Liked by Sol
4 dissolvedgirl March 30, 2019 [11:24am] "so, as a follow up: does anybody know if it's legal for me as an 18 year old to purchase a shotgun from an FFL if I reside in Florida instead of Colorado?" NA NA
5 Fitasc Shooter Mar 30, 2019 [11:43am] "It has to be legal for both states. Florida recently changes some of their gun laws. I am not sure if you now need to be 21 to buy a long gun in Florida. IF so, then it is not legal for you to buy one in Colorado." NA Liked by Sol
6 Wag Mar 30, 2019 [11:48am] "My understanding is that you can. If you want to be certain, ask the FFL who is transferring the shotgun to you. If you're buying from an individual, get that question answered before money changes hands." Response to post 4. Liked by Sol
7 Siplace March 30, 2019 [12:22pm] "#1 Never take legal advice from the internet. Especially about guns. The penalty for getting the wrong information can be very heavy. No one here would deliberately give you bad advice but the laws on guns from state to state are very different and it is hard to know the laws from one state let alone multiple states.

Now having said that I shall proceed to dispense legal advice to you. I am NOT a lawyer. I am a random idiot posting on a forum full of gun nuts. Nothing more.

#2 Lawyers are expensive and I don't think you need one for these questions.

#3 Ask this question at your local gun store. They have to know FL gun laws because they work with them every day all day. Then get on the phone and ask the same question of a CO gun store. [ Google " Gun Stores near where the gun is for the phone number. ] They know CO laws like the FL gun shop knows FL laws.

#4 I do not know how you will get from FL to CO and back, Plane, train, or automobile. Assuming what you want to do is lawful and you will be traveling by car you will also want to pick up a lockable case for your new shotgun. You may be traveling through states where what you want to do is NOT lawful. There is a federal law that will allow you to lawfully travel through these states, but the gun has to be in a locked compartment, unloaded, and completely separate from any ammo. [ Which just for grins and giggles should also be in a separate locked case. [ This shows complete compliance in case you get a highly motivated cop who does not like citizens having guns. ]

#5 I do not know FL or CO laws on this but, in my state private transfers of long guns do not require the sale to be processed through an FFL. [ Gun Store ] However there is NO WAY IN HELL I would purchase any gun from any private person I do not know as a close [ and I mean really close ] family member with out going through an FFL.

Odds are the person selling the gun is fully legit. Just some Joe or Jane selling something they no loner need or want. But the possibility exists that the gun is hot. Stolen or used in a crime or owned by someone who can not lawfully own a gun. If that is the case now you are now an accessory after the fact to what ever laws were broken, you can be charged as such and could loose your gun rights forever.

Doing the transfer through an FFL eliminates all possibility of any criminal liability for you. It is iron clad proof of your intent to obey the law. It is proof that you are buying a lawful firearm, that it is lawful for you to own a fire arm, that the person selling the fire arm owns it lawfully. It is a CYA [ Cover Your Ass ] guaranteed by the ATF. Well worth the $35.00 or so it will cost to run the gun through the NCIS.

#6 What ever the outcome of your questions, OBEY THE LAWS of both states. Even if they are unconstitutional and hateful to you. OBEY THEM!

Now I have a question for you. If you intend to purchase this gun from an FFL in CO why not buy it from a FL gun store? [ sniff, sniff ]"
Response to post 4 NA
8 Dissolvedgirl Mar 30, 2019 [1:19pm] "first of all, thank you for taking the time to answer my question and in that extent - i really do appreciate it.

i'm flying in but plan on coming back in car for a road trip, and i'm aware of the law requiring that the gun be stored in a locked container, etc. i have it all planned out, have friends coming with me who own guns and know what they're doing. i'm currently in the process of contacting both CO and FL gun stores but just wanted a second opinion, gun laws can get tricky and i want the most info i can get, even if i have to take it with a grain of salt.

to answer your question, i just wanted to take the opportunity of this trip to buy a shotgun and go shooting/hunting somewhere nicer than FL, lol, and with friends who know more than I do. CO forests beat FL forests any day. plus if i bought the gun in FL i'd have to go through the trouble of dealing with the airport but driving back should be a simpler process."
Response to post 7 NA
9 Square target Mar 30, 2019 [2:21pm] "When you get to CO the gun shop you deal with should know the law and won't sell it to you if they can't and will if they can. Easiest way to find out." NA Liked by Sol
10 Wag Mar 31, 2019 [10:34] Sounds like you have it nailed! NA Liked by Sol
11 Siplace Mar 31, 2019 [10:55] "You are welcome. I believe helping other gun owners stay lawful and safe is the responsibility of all gun owners.

As you can imagine we do get a lot of trolls in here and I believe some law enforcement trolls trying to get help circumventing the laws. For the most part their stories will not pass the sniff test. Trolls have an odor. They generally post once and then vanish to watch and see if we will help them to break the law.... We won't of course but they do try pretty often. Makes it hard to spot the legit questions from the entrapment questions.

I apologize to you but I did have a suspicion. Now I believe that my suspicion was wrong. I'm Sorry for sniffing you. Flying out and driving back did not occur to me and you are right about the simplicity of your plan.

Good luck on your hunt."
Response to post 8 Liked by Sol
12 Russ D Mar 31, 2019 [11:38am] "Can we get some sort of automatic age filter on these questions" NA NA
13 Coalcracker Mar 31, 2019 [10:41am] "Why? 18 is legal for long guns in most areas." Response to post 12 NA
14 mjcmichigan Mar 31, 2019 [11:52am] "I know I’m late to the discussion, but one piece of advice has been neglected.

You should be familiar with any firearm you are going out to hunt and have some fun with.

I’d recommend you buy in florida and get familiar with safe operation.

You don’t want to be walking around with a loaded gun, safety in the wrong position. You didn’t say if you were getting a break action, pump or semi auto, but you need to know what to do if you gave a misfire or jam.

It’s not that hard to fly with a shotgun.

The other option, if your friends know their guns, chances are they have one they can loan you and you’ll have the benefit of while the gun is new to you, someone in the party would know how to handle it safely.

Safety is always the first consideration in fire arms. Then other things. Fit for use, personal preference, and travel convenience.

I took my sons hunting and we’d get a few birds. After we started shooting trap, skeet and sporting clays...they don’t miss anymore and both clay and real birds are tremendous fun.

Hope your friend has a good bird dog or two!

Have a safe fun trip!

Good move to talk to gun shops on both ends of the trip!"
NA Liked by Sol
15 dissolvedgirl Mar 31, 2019 [12:05] "thank you so much! in fact i do agree with everything you said. i've done tons of research on shotguns and have a very clear idea of how they work, and have been taking trips to the shooting range of course to practice. if i do manage to find a shotgun up in CO, I will absolutely do my research ahead of time and all.

the problem is i have no friends in FL who are into guns like me so it's not as fun having to do all of this alone (hence the trip to CO to see these more knowledgable friends), but hey, it's my damn choice what hobbies i wanna pick up and i don't need anybody else (save for everyone on this forum, lol).

thank you again!"
Response to post 14 NA
16 Wag Mar 31, 2019 [12:08pm] "Well said!" NA Liked by Sol
17 dissolvedgirl Mar 31, 2019 [12:09pm] "that's what i've come to find on this website. most people are generally very helpful and kind.

i don't blame you for the sniff test. this is my first post and i do seem sketchy i realize, lol. i usually read forum posts rather than write them; i'm here because i wanna learn.

again, thank you so much for everything :^)"
Response to post 11 NA
18 Coalcracker March 31, 2019 [12:10pm] "Looking forward to hearing about your trip when you get home. :thumbsup:" NA Liked by Sol
19 Mjcmichigan March 31, 2019 [2:26pm] "Shotgun clubs are pretty social compared to other clubs.. see if there are any near you.

Here’s a link to pheasant hunting places in florida... you might call one and tell them you’d like to guide. Might open some doors.."
20 Stevejet Mar 31, 2019 [4:26pm] "Can we get some sort of automatic age filter on these questions?"

You betcha ......... workin' on it, rite now! So....... how old are you, and how am I suppose to know you are telling the truth?
21 Fitasc Shooter Mar 31, 2019 [4:29pm] "What part of Florida are you in? There are shotgun clubs all over the state; and I'll bet you can make some new friends" RESPONSE LIKED

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