Quotes About Sol
THESE QUOTES ARE ORGANIZED BY SOURCES. They're all linked in highlighted headings.
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“The girl in Colorado actually, she was my neighbor,"
"She lived in Surfside, not Miami Beach, and I used to have art class with her. She used to sit right in front of me and they would call her 'dark stars'. She would wear emo clothes and everything, she has her own website. I've looked at it before, I don't know the name of the website, but it's very like weird." -Miguel (No first name specified.)
"I went to elementary school with her. She was like super quiet, into her self, she like wouldn't really talk in class," said Valentina Ascano.
"She was just silent, she was kind of weird," -Mike Kramer
"It's so random, I did not expect this at all."-Mike Kramer
"She was super quiet," -Valentina Ascano
"Into herself. She wouldn't talk in class." -Valentina Ascano
"It's so random," -Mike Kramer
"I didn't expect this at all. I didn't think it was real at first. It's crazy."-Mike Kramer
(After Sol’s body was found.) "The loss of a young life is to be noticed, is to be acknowledged. It is to be mourned." -Superintendent Alberto Carvalho, the superintendent of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools
“I didn’t believe it — I didn’t understand it,” -Brandon Bossard, a sophomore who had a second-period class with Sol
“She’s so quiet. How could someone so quiet be like that?” -Brandon Bossard
"He said Ms. Pais would sit alone, in a chair against the classroom wall. Other students also described Ms. Pais as keeping mostly to herself, wearing baggy T-shirts, jeans and boots and, often, earphones as she listened to music." -NYT
“She was really smart,” -Jade Leeyee, a 17-year-old senior who sat in front of Sol in English class.
“She was a genuine person, and she had such a pretty smile.”-Jade Leeyee
In art class, Sol was usually “kind of in a corner,” -Katherin DeVargas Gil, a 17-year-old senior who knew Sol since their freshman year.
(At a news conference outside the school) "To his knowledge, no teachers or administrators had known about Ms. Pais’s apparent online journal, or that she might have needed psychological help." -Alberto Carvalho, the superintendent of the Miami-Dade County Public Schools
"He described her as a high-achieving student with no history of disciplinary problems." -Alberto Carvalho
“@MDCPS is fully cooperating with federal and local entities regarding the case of the 18-year-old Miami Beach Senior High School student who is being sought for allegedly making threats to schools in Colorado. #SafetyFirstMDCPS” -Alberto Carvalho [9:45 AM · Apr 17, 2019]
Described Sol as "an incredibly sweet girl."
"There's nothing really out of the ordinary about her,"
"They're the nicest neighbors I have."
Sources are attached at the end/credit of each quote.
"Sol's mom would often have random fits, according to what I was told. Possibly a sign of bipolar or some other mental illness which might have been hereditary and passed to Sol." -Reddit user Gl0omi on r/dissolvedgirl

"I spoke with a classmate of her, and other online friends of her on instagram, one of them told me that Sol didn't want to be remembered in any way if she would have died (clearly she had already planned everything), another classmate told me that even for the school it has been difficult to contact her parents (the father is Gardi Pais, a musician in Miami) and they never responded to anyone they didn't even went to the school to take Sol's diploma this classmate also told me that one day in the week she disappeared and died, she saw Sol deleting some of her accounts. Another friend of Sol on instagram told me that Sol used to be very close with her dad, but not so much with her mother, who often screamed to her, even without any reason...a girl on Twitter very often writes about Sol and continues to find new pics of her, this girl's twitter is @skamdc." -ANON Guest account, CHS Fourms
Fri Aug 16, 2019 2:35 am
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